10 Ways to Feel Awake Without Caffeine

Reviewed on 10/20/2021

Snack on a Salad

Leafy greens like spinach and kale are rich in B vitamins.

Leafy veggies like spinach and kale give you a vitamin B boost. Vitamin B is a part of your cells' energy-making process.

Guzzle Water

Drinking water helps combat fatigue caused by dehydration.

If you're feeling droopy, you might need to drink more water. One sign of dehydration is fatigue.

Step Outside

Spending time outdoors in natural sunlight may help you sleep better.

Not only will a change of scenery and some fresh air wake up your senses, the sun will help regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Try to get at least 30 minutes a day of natural sunlight -- an hour if you have insomnia.


Exercise increases energy levels and releases endorphins.

Moving your body tells your cells you need more energy. Your body will rise to the task and start making more. Exercise also releases endorphins -- the "feel-good" hormones -- and gives you a bit of a natural mood boost.

Keep a Routine

Keeping a routine will help you be alert during the day and sleepy at night.

If you go to bed and wake up at the same times every day, your body will learn when it's time to be alert and when it's wind-down time.


Smelling lemon, peppermint, or eucalyptus essential oils may help you feel more energized and focused.

Certain smells can help jump-start your senses and may help you with focus, energy, and more. To feel more awake, try eucalyptus, lemon, or peppermint.

Pack in the Protein

Eat protein-rich meals and snacks to keep energy levels up and avoid a sugar crash.

Instead of mindless, carb-heavy grazing to help you stay awake, choose foods that include some protein or healthy fat. They'll stick with you longer and help you avoid a sugar crash.

Take a Break From Screens

Limit screen time and eyestrain to ward off fatigue.

Feeling sleepy may be your eyes' way of telling you they need a pause from focusing on screens. To avoid eyestrain, look off into the distance and away from your computer or phone regularly as you work.

Power Nap

Take a short 15- to 30-minute nap to feel more alert and boost your mood.

Sometimes your body just needs a sleep reset. A 15- to 30-minute shut-eye session can help you feel more alert and improve your mood.

Chew Gum

Chewing gum increases alertness, improves reaction times and attention, and boosts productivity.

Some studies show gum chewing can kick up your alertness, help you react faster, and improve your attention and boost productivity during the workday.

10 Ways to Feel Awake Without Caffeine

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