Diet and Nutrition: Which Fruits Are Highest and Lowest in Sugar?

Reviewed on 7/15/2020


Sugar content in fruit is variable but mangoes have a high amount.

Fruit supplies your body with fiber and essential nutrients. Fruit is also low in calories, sodium, and fat. But different fruits have different levels of sugar, so it's important to be mindful of that. One mango has 46 grams of sugar, so skip this fruit if you are trying to lose weight or decrease the amount of sugar you eat. If you'd like a taste, opt for just a few slices to keep your sugar intake low.


Grapes rank on the higher end of the fruit sugar content chart with 23 grams of sugar in one cup.

Grapes rank near the top of the bunch in the fruit sugar content list. One cup of grapes contains about 23 grams of sugar. Be mindful of the sugar content of grapes when you are eating them. Another good trick is to slice them in half and freeze them. That way you'll eat them more slowly. Bonus: Frozen grapes make a refreshing summer treat.


In the fruit sugar content ranking, cherries would be on the higher end of the list.

The fruit sugar content of cherries is on the high end. One cup of cherries contains 18 grams of sugar. Since these fruits are small, it's easy to go overboard and eat more than you intended. Use a measuring cup to measure your intended portion before you eat them so you don't overindulge.


The sugar content of pears is on the higher end.

Pears pack a decent amount of sugar. A medium pear has approximately 17 grams of sugar. If you don't want to eat the whole thing, just have a few slices and put the rest in the refrigerator for later. Pear slices make an interesting addition to salads.


Watermelon has a good amount of sugar but it is also high in potassium.

Watermelon is loaded with water and electrolytes like potassium, but a medium wedge of the melon has 18 grams of sugar. You need more electrolytes when you sweat, when it's warm outdoors, and when you exercise. To keep your sugar intake down, just enjoy a slice or two at the most.


Figs are on the higher end of the fruit sugar content list.

Figs are on the sweet side and have the sugar content to boot. Two medium-size figs have 16 grams of sugar. If you're trying to limit your sugar intake, slice figs and have them with goat cheese for a protein-rich snack. You can also use figs to make sauces for meats like chicken.


Bananas have a good amount of sugar so just eat a few slices if you’re watching your sugar intake.

Bananas are a perennial favorite, but they are high in sugar. One medium banana packs 14 grams of sugar. If that's more than you'd like, just add some banana slices to your oatmeal or peanut butter sandwich instead of eating the whole thing.

Less Sugar: Avocados

Avocados do not have much sugar, but they are high in calories.

Believe it or not, avocados are technically a fruit. One avocado contains just one gram of sugar. People love avocado toast, guacamole, or adding avocados to a salad. Be careful though because while low in sugar, avocados are high in calories. Indulging daily may not be good for your waistline.

Less Sugar: Guavas

Guava is a fruit with low sugar content.

When examining the sugar content in fruit, guavas are on the low end of the list. One guava supplies approximately 5 grams of sugar and has more fiber than a serving of some whole grains. One guava has 3 grams of fiber. There's a good amount of fiber in guava skins, so do not peel the fruit before adding it to smoothies.

Less Sugar: Raspberries

Raspberries supply lots of fiber and not much sugar.

Raspberries are a low-sugar fruit that contains just 5 grams of sugar and 8 grams of fiber per cup. Fiber aids digestion and helps you feel fuller while eating fewer calories. Raspberries are tasty plain, but many people like to eat them topped with fresh whipped cream (which dramatically increases the fat and calorie content).

Less Sugar: Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is a low-sugar fruit that contains 5 grams of sugar per medium-size wedge.

Compared to watermelon, cantaloupe is a low-sugar melon that contains just 5 grams of sugar per medium-size wedge. You can eat it plain. Many people enjoy eating cantaloupe topped with cottage cheese and a little salt.

Less Sugar: Papayas

Choose papaya if you enjoy tropical fruit that does not have a lot of sugar.

Papayas are a favorite tropical fruit. You can enjoy them without eating a lot of sugar. One half of a small papaya contains just 6 grams of sugar. Small papayas are a decent size, so half of the fruit is an ample serving. Many people enjoy papaya topped with lime and salt. Papaya also makes a tasty topping for frozen yogurt.

Less Sugar: Strawberries

Strawberries are a lower-sugar fruit that make a colorful addition to salads.

If you are looking for a low-sugar berry to enjoy, choose strawberries that have just 7 grams of sugar in one cup. Many people like to add sliced strawberries to summer salads.

Diet and Nutrition: Which Fruits Are Highest and Lowest in Sugar?

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