Diet and Nutrition: Foods With More Protein Than an Egg

Reviewed on 4/24/2022


Chickpeas have 8 grams of protein per half cup serving.

With about 6 grams of protein apiece, eggs are an excellent source of this vital nutrient. But lots of other foods offer as much or more. For example, chickpeas (also known as garbanzo beans) provide nearly 8 grams of protein per 1/2 cup. People have enjoyed them since the days of ancient Egypt. They're best known these days as the base for hummus. Toss a handful on a salad, or cook them into a hearty soup.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese has a mild flavor and provides 12 grams of protein per half cup.

This nutritious source of protein, with nearly 12 grams in a half-cup, plays well with others. That's because it doesn't have a strong flavor on its own. Make a healthy snack by pairing cottage cheese with most any kind of fruit. Or use it as a protein-boosting secret ingredient in pancakes. Go with low-fat cottage cheese to keep it healthy.

Almond Butter

Almond butter is a good substitute for peanut butter and you can even make your own with a blender.

This creamy spread isn't as well-known as its peanutty cousin. But with 7 grams of protein in 2 tablespoons, it should be. With plenty of heart-healthy fats, it's a great way to fuel up before a workout. You can even make it at home -- all you need is almonds and a blender. Spice it up with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract, or curry powder if that's how you roll.

Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar cheese supplies protein, calcium, zinc, phosphorus and vitamins A and B12.

This zingy cheese is loaded with protein -- about 7 grams per ounce -- as well as other nutrients like calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and vitamins A and B12. But keep your portions small or choose a lower-fat version. The fats found in dairy foods aren't the heart-healthy type. Cheese can be high in salt, too.


A half-cup of lentils provides 8 grams of protein, almost as much as 1 ounce of lean steak.

A half-cup of these legumes gives you 8 grams of protein, about as much as you'd get from 1 ounce of lean steak. They come in lots of colors -- brown, green, black, yellow, red, and orange. They cook up faster than beans. And you don't even need to soak them first. Try the brown ones in veggie burgers, the green ones in salads, and the red ones in a spicy curry.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Don't toss these after you carve the jack-o'-lantern. (An easier route is to buy the already roasted type at the store.) An ounce of shelled ones has 8 1/2 grams of protein. They're also a good source of zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, potassium, and selenium. Eat a handful with an apple for a filling snack. Or stir them into oatmeal, granola, or homemade bread dough.


Grilled shrimp are a good source of protein and they are low in fat and calories.

You only need about 4 ounces of these shellfish to get more than 17 grams of protein. They're also low in calories and fat and have little mercury. Shrimp cook quickly, too. But step away from the breaded, deep-fried variety. Instead, toss grilled shrimp into pasta with marinara sauce for a fast, protein-rich meal.


Quinoa is a seed that is a good substitute for rice and it's high in protein and fiber.

This whole grain (actually an edible seed) packs about 7 1/2 grams of protein per cup. It's a good source of fiber, too. Naturally gluten-free, quinoa is as easy to prepare as rice. Because it tastes rather bland on its own, add it to salads or grain bowls. You can also eat it as a hot cereal, or even pop it like popcorn.


Jerky is a good source of protein, but make sure it's low in sodium, sugar and additives.

Long known as a backpacking standby, jerky is dried, lean meat. One ounce can have up to 15 grams of protein. Many brands are high in salt, sugar, and additives like nitrate. But some new products are changing jerky's reputation as junk food. You can find jerky made from turkey, salmon, and even elk and ostrich. Check the label for sodium, sugar, and chemicals. You can make your own as well.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds make a good addition for smoothies and they are rich in heart-healthy fats.

They won't get you high -- they're from a different type of cannabis plant than marijuana. But these nutty-tasting seeds (sometimes called hemp hearts) do pack a powerful jolt of protein. Three tablespoons give you 9 1/2 grams, along with lots of heart-healthy fats. They're tasty blended into smoothies. Try some hemp milk on your morning cereal.

Diet and Nutrition: Foods With More Protein Than an Egg

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